Aug 2, 2012

The Moments of Life

Be happy for this moment.  This moment is your life.
~~Omar Khayyam

Here's the thing, it's pretty easy to be happy in the good moments.  The moments that are warm and fuzzy and filled with happiness and joy.  The spontaneous outing for ice cream, the successful morning at the zoo, the moment between two sisters full of hugs and sharing.

But this quote got me thinking that it's not always so easy to be happy in every moment, especially the ones that aren't happy.  The ones that hurt and cause discomfort and pain.  A two-year-old's temper tantrum in public, the death of a loved one, an ongoing argument.  Even the ones that just feel annoying and eye-roll worthy.  The basket of unfolded laundry taunting for five days, the inevitable whining at five o'clock, the obnoxiously loud cell phone talker at the coffee shop.

But life is about all of these moments, the happy and sad.  The good and the bad.  And as hard as it is to actually be happy in those sad and bad moments (something I think that is virtually impossible) I feel like it is important to remember that without the negative, we couldn't have the positive.  Without sorrow, there could be no joy.  Without bad, there could be no good.

I guess what I'm saying is that sometimes (okay, often) I need to remind myself during those annoying and bad moments that they are still a part of my life.  And I don't necessarily have to feel happy during all those moments, but I do need to remember that those negative moments make up life just as much as positive ones.  And life's a pretty good (and happy) thing.


Little White Whale


  1. Lady, I know all about those temper tantrums in public. I once had to have a stranger assist me to my car from the store because my daughter was doing her monster rage thing...and I had my other three in tow. It was ridiculously embarrassing. But, like you said take it all in stride. The good and the bad. Good wins in the end. Thanks for linking Christine!

    1. Thanks for hosting! Yes, oh the temper tantrums. Ugh.

  2. We have lots and tantrums and whining (and baskets of laundry) in our house right now too. But the good stuff outweighs the bad...for sure!

    1. Yes, sometimes I just need to remember that... (I don't even want to admit to how many piles of laundry we have right now.)

  3. The good and the bad - it has to come together. Or we wouldn't know and appreciate one without the other, yes?

    1. Yes, exactly what I was trying to get at. "Come together" perfect.

  4. Oh that Alison is one smart cookie! I was about to respond something similar. A good life it does seem you do have.

  5. Life includes all kinds of days, doesn't it? The joys of the good moments always seem to trump the bad ones, thankfully.

    1. Yes, I have been lucky so far that the good has outweighed the bad.


Any thoughts? I'd love to hear from you!