Apr 7, 2014

All-of-a-sudden, She is Four

Yesterday my sweet Little P turned four. Normally I like to have a post up for their actual birthdays (so of course I feel guilty that this is a day late for Paige), but with all the birthday preparations on Saturday and then the actual celebrating on Sunday, writing a blog post (even one as important as a birthday one) didn't seem quite as high a priority.

So, Happy Birthday, Paige!

When she got up this morning I swear she seemed bigger and older. As I've been telling EVERYONE, it felt like she was three-years-old for way more than one year, but on the other hand she totally does not seem old enough to be four. I mean, she still feels like a baby to me, and four-years-old is so much more Little Lady than baby.

As much as I want to hold them forever and ever and let them never grow up, of course I am happy that they are growing up. And oh-my-goodness is Paige ever growing up. She is growing into such a beautiful little girl.

I love the way her little hand always finds mine, and is quick to fold my fingers over her hand if I don't respond fast enough. I love that she occasionally puts seventeen clips in her hair and loves to wear fancy dresses and sing her own song while dancing.

And I love the way she dances. I love how hard she concentrates in her dance class, wide eyes on her teacher, but I love even more when she feels the need to randomly dance around the house or down the sidewalk. I love that she jumps and turns and throws out her arms.

I love the way she runs down the street to meet her sister's bus. And how today she described Hope as her Best Buddy. I love how she tore into each present on her birthday, yet wouldn't throw the scraps on the floor but carefully collected them into her hand, passing them to me when her hands got too full.

I love that she discovered a new like of jeans and kicking soccer balls and swinging a bat, yet she seems as delicate as always, disgusted if her hands get too dirty or a spoonful of oatmeal falls onto the table.

I love that she's not afraid to wear what she wants and like what she wants, even if that means something different than what her sister or friends wear or like.

I love that she wears her emotions on her sleeve, even when those emotions are stressful or difficult to deal with.

Everything about my newly four-year-old makes my heart overflow with love.

Paige, you are my beautiful sunshine. I love you so much, and wish for so many wonderful things for you. Happy, happy Birthday!

xoxo, mommy

** I had beautiful photos of my second born to include with this birthday post, but of course my computer is being evil and not letting me attach any photos. (Which is nothing new for this old thing.) 

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