Mar 4, 2015

It Does a Body Good

Have I told you Wednesday I'm taking an Aqua Zumba class? (Silly question. I know that I haven't told you.) So yes, Aqua Zumba. Because, I've never done water aerobics or Zumba, so might as well put them together and give it a go, right?

Actually, a friend signed up and asked me if I was interested in joining her. After a lot of back and forth and hemming and hawing and "it's outside of my comfort zone but it's good to do stuff outside of one's comfort zone but do I want to do something like that outside of my comfort zone", I (obviously) decided to do it.

There's a little Columbian woman who stands outside of the pool waving her arms and kicking her high tops and bouncing and dancing to the loud thump of the bass, while the rest of us bobble up and down in the water pretending to keep up. I spend a lot of time laughing at myself and thinking how relieved I am this isn't a typical aerobic class with a mirror in front of us, a definite perk to doing something like this in a pool. No one can see how or what anyone else is doing.

After the first class I discovered my cute little summer pool swimsuit was not going to be able to handle all the jumping and bouncing, especially with the chest I have while nursing a baby, so I invested in a serious suit that cold reign those babies in.

It's been fun, though. And I've found that I enjoy having that one hour (and the time to and from) all to myself. Even the few times I wasn't exactly looking forward to the workout part of it (because, believe it or not, it is a workout), knowing that I have that time just for me has felt really good.

As fun as it's been, I haven't quite decided if I'm going to sign up again for the next session. Now that I survived doing this out of my comfort zone I'm all jazzed up to try other new things. Also, I've got a baby and me yoga class with my name on it. I want to do it before Nora gets too old.

In the meantime, I've got my suit in the wash so that it's ready to go next Wednesday. I'll be ready to swim/dance. Or swance. Swance on, people. Swance on.

xoxo, christine

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